
Hi ,

1’m Peggy


I’m an International Coach and creator of the Breathe Recognize Elevate Align KindnessProgram.

My journey to eliminate anxiety began in my early 30s, after losing my father.

When I look back, I see very clearly that I suffered stress and anxiety for most of my life. I did an excellent job of suppressing it, and so it went undetected.

I grew up in a dysfunctional household like so many of us. And, instead of getting the help and support that I needed (because it was a no-no), I learned to hide behind a mask, and pretended to be “fine” when things were not fine around me, or within me.

I adapted to survive a crisis upbringing.

In my 20s, stress and anxiety were building in me and I continued to ignore it and present that I’m “fine” even thought I knew deep down they were impacting my health, and costing me happiness.

In October of 2012, my dad suffered a stroke and I started to break down. I felt time slipping away, and with it my chance to have the relationship with him that I always wanted. I started to panic, and when he passed the following year, I spiraled into a Dark Night of the Soul where I completely fell apart.

The Dark Night was a journey that required me to find my way back to myself by going deep into my inner world and facing myself in a way I never had. In the Dark Night, I met my greatest villain and greatest teacher, me.

On my healing journey, I had similar experiences that many people in their process of awakening and transformation have: sleep issues, anxiety attacks, heightened empathy and sensitivity to energy, other people, and foods. I suffered episodes of shutdown, exhaustion, disorientation, & hopelessness - I developed psychosomatic illnesses like chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia.

I had moments where I felt like I had completely lost myself, fragmenting and falling apart at the seams. I had a crisis on just about every level a person can have - and I cried every day for 3 years, scared that I would feel broken forever.

1 felt out of control


“We all deserve freedom from suffering.”

In my darkest hours I “woke up”. In a flash of insight, I understood that Self-healing is real and it was the path I needed to walk in order to be free.

I traveled the world, researched, studied and applied different approaches to healing, from biology to spirituality. I self-experimented with practical tools and theories from emerging fields of science and ancient wisdom traditions.

I used different self-help approaches to work through my stress and anxiety and the reactive patterns that were robbing me of joy, happiness and health.

In doing so, I learned that my own self-abandoning patterns, maladaptive coping, and disempowering conditioning, was standing in the way of my freedom. I needed to break free from what I discovered and named “The Cycle of Dysregulation” that was creating and perpetuating a feeling of powerlessness and anxiety in all areas of my life and in my relationships.

I spent 8 years restoring my inner power, using different modalities and trainings.

Today, I am a:

  • Certified Professional iPEC Core Energy Coach™

  • Certified Kundalini Yoga Instructor

  • Certified Vinyasa Instructor

  • Certified Ayurvedic Systems Health™ Educator

  • Certified Shamanic Breathwork™ Facilitator & Shamanic Minister

  • Certified Advanced Pranic Healer

  • Certified Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) practitioner

  • Certified Reiki Healer

  • Certified EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) tapping practitioner

It takes work.

Breathe Recognize Elevate Align Kindness™

While turning my pain into purpose, I developed a program to help people overcome anxiety and break the cycle of dysregulation by feeling, healing and dealing with self-abandoning and debilitating patterns that create insecurity, self-doubt, paralyze decision-making, perpetuate relationship conflicts, increase stress and anxiety, and end in overwhelm and finally, breakdown.

Trust me, it’s worth it to nip it in the bud, now.

As a doctor’s daughter, I respect western medicine. As someone who has overcome stress, anxiety, and other debilitating conditions (and helped clients all over the world!) I stand by eastern systems and holistic wellness. And, as a data-driven person with a 100% client success rate, I teach the best of what I know works.

I’m skilled at supporting people to move forward confidently and activate their inner power to end their anxiety, for good.

No one should have to do this alone.

Let’s rise together.

If you’re struggling with stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, click below to learn about what I’ve put together to support you on your journey.


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