
Breathe Recognize Elevate Align Kindness ™

18 Week Program


Overcome anxiety and break the cycle of dysregualtion in this intuitive and interactive program.

5 simple steps

1 powerful mantra

An effective structure for transformation through regulation

The Breathe Recognize Elevate Align KindnessProgram is purpose-built to rejuvenate and improve your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and relationship health and wellbeing.


You deserve a life of

peace, power, and purpose


Through a streamlined sequence of coaching, workshops, coursework and membership support, the 18 week Breathe Recognize Elevate Align Kindness Program teaches, practices, and applies a simple 5 step system through a comprehensive education & development experience designed to overcome crisis behaviors and eliminate the cycle of dysregulation & anxiety that holds you back.


What is the Cycle?

The cycle of dysregulation is the anxiety-producing, stress-enhancing hamster wheel of powerlessness that imprisons you in self-abandoning patterns and keeps you chained in crisis, struggling and unfulfilled.

The Breathe Recognize Elevate Align Kindness Program will guide you through five simple steps to transform your inner and outer worlds, and move towards the life of peace, power, and purpose that you deserve.

The 18 week Program educates, supports and coaches you to transform your physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and relationship health and wellbeing.


What you seek is seeking you.
— Rumi

Let’s be honest…

Life can be frustrating, stressful, and overwhelming. and with the added

anxiety of self-abandonment conditioning

we can easily find ourselves

Dysregulated and cycling


If you feel….

  • trapped, like there’s a heaviness that you can’t get rid of

  • panicky or worried more than usual

  • unsettled, off, unlike yourself

  • more emotional or confused about your emotions

  • you’re not in control anymore

  • irritable, agitated, frustrated

  • exhausted in the morning from a poor night’s sleep

  • it’s harder to think positively and get yourself out of funks

  • an impending sense of doom or dread

  • worried that you’ll be stuck in it forever

  • like a broken record on repeat

  • unsure of what step to take

Dysregulation impacts us in many ways

Here are some of the ways it has shown up in my clients’ lives:

  • Overwhelm

  • Unfulfillment

  • Feeling disconnected from purpose and meaning

  • Unable to commit to anything

  • Difficulty making decisions

  • Unable to get out of one’s way, putting obstacles up or self-sabotaging

  • Lack of hope

  • A sense of paralysis

  • Confusion

  • Unhealthy comparison

  • An inability to move on or let go

  • Spiraling

  • Impatience

  • Insomnia

  • Night terrors

  • Breathing difficulty

  • Relationship strain and conflict

  • Health issues

  • A deep sense of emptiness

  • Loneliness

  • Exhaustion and erratic energy bursts

  • Disconnection from a sense of purpose

  • and more…


Sound familiar?

I can help

 Here’s the solution


Breathe Recognize Elevate Align Kindness

1 powerful program

5 simple steps

  • Intimate workshops

  • Transformational coaching

  • Empowering education

  • Life-changing results

    Ready when you are wherever you are.


Negative thoughts and difficult feelings are a part of daily life and the human condition...


if they crowd out your peace of mind, compromise your health, inhibit your success, and rob you of your joy, you may be trapped in the cycle of dysregulation, living at the effect of your stress, anxiety, and overwhelm, rather than in charge of your life.

Trust me, 1 know this firsthand.

I’ve been down this road myself and I know where it leads…straight to the place to find answers.

I’ve been there, done that, and I know exactly how hard it can be to change, alone.

Even if you’ve done plenty of personal work, lived in conscious communities, have spent years in therapy, have gone to live-changing 3-day events, you can still struggle to overcome stress and anxiety and move forward.

Do you want to be the version of you that you’re meant to be (the one without stress and anxiety)?

Here’s what you need:

  • You need the ability to love yourself, take care of yourself, and be kind to yourself.

  • You need real tools to dig in deeper and overcome debilitating blocks and struggles.

  • You need resources and guidance to cross the chasm from where you are to where you want to be.

It’s never too late.

Right now is as good a time as there will ever be.

If you feel strangled by your timeline as a woman and as a human, if you feel sick or scared thinking about the days, months, and years passing you by while you remain stuck, not moving forward, defeated and confused about what to do…

If you have periods where you feel “okay” or even pretty great, yet you always find yourself back in a gulch of stress, overwhelm, negativity, and darkness, anxiously reacting to your life circumstances and challenges, not using the resources available to you or the tools you’ve learned, blaming it on the universe, your childhood, the moon, or food, or your partner, or your friends, or the weather…

if you’re sick of feeling out of control…

I see you. I was you.

I suffered through tremendous periods of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual and social pain and distress on my path to eliminating dysregulation and anxiety,

and I made it out of the dark forest with valuable lessons, teachings, and most importantly, the confidence and strength to share them.

I’ve devoted myself to teach what I learned and help you reclaim your power to evolve, heal, and transform.


1’m PeggyB

Creator of the Breathe Recognize Elevate Align Kindness Program.


I’m here to help you achieve optimal emotional health, mental well-being, & spiritual connection.

My journey of self-healing combined with my professional work in transformational coaching has brought me around the world learning from, and training with, incredible coaches, teachers, healers, and medical and wellness practitioners.

I’ve supported clients internationally, from all different backgrounds, beliefs, and life experiences, and we all agree:

~ There is no magic ancient elixir or new age positive thinking trick that will change your life for you ~

To change your life from the inside out, you need to experience the power that already exists inside of YOU, then harness it, and direct it. And in order to do that, you need to remove the ONE CYCLE that’s in your way.

Anything I can do, you can do better!

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How do you

Break the Cycle of Dysregulation?

The Breathe Recognize Elevate Align Kindness Program combines the most effective practices, exercises, resources, guidance and coaching, to support you to break the cycle of dysregulation.

In the program you you will unleash your inner strength and overcome difficult triggers, destructive patterns, and disempowering behaviors so that every part of your life is transformed from the INSIDE out.

When I developed the Breathe Recognize Elevate Align Kindness ™ Program I took an important factor into account:

Your way is the best way

In this online program you will learn to activate your inner power and break the cycle of dysregulation, while discovering more about yourself and YOUR powerful way through obstacles and challenges. You will connect with your inner guidance while receiving professional support.

There is no guide, no teacher, and no guru who will do it FOR you. Instead, the best support system helps you apply effective tools and techniques that support you to live your unique path and no one else’s.

Dysregulation & Reglulation are two sides of the same coin. 

Inherently in every problem lies the solution. When you look at your problems with the right mindset, skills and tools, you will be able to see your solutions and create sustainable change in your life.

This is exactly the how Breathe Recognize Elevate Align Kindness ™ Program was created, by facing the cycle of dysregulation!


The Breathe Recognize Elevate Align Kindness ™ Program

Online Access, Group Coaching, 1:1 Support, Educational Resources


Program Overview

How to achieve success in the Breathe Recognize Elevate Align Kindness™ program and beyond.

Discover the simplicity and power to the 5 steps of regulation - Breathe Recognize Elevate Align Kindness™

The importance of owning your personal power to break the cycle of dysregulation.


Intro Module

In this Module you will set the foundation for regulation.


Module 1

In this Module you’ll learn…

  • Step 1: Breathe

  • The exact techniques to interrupt the cycle of dysregulation

  • How to empower yourself in your relationship to stress, anxiety, and overwhelm.

  • The keys you need to decrease the negative impact of stress on your inner and outer world.

  • How to re-pattern responsive behaviors that promote internal balance, peace, and power.

Module 2

In this Module you’ll learn…

  • Step 2: Recognize

  • The exact techniques to regain balance in overwhelm.

  • The keys you need to empower yourself in your relationship to difficult feelings.

  • How to eliminate emotional hijacking.

  • How to understand and use your emotions as power.

Module 3

In this Module you’ll learn…

  • Step 3: Elevate

  • The exact technique to clear out anxious and negative thinking.

  • How to empower yourself in your relationship to your mind.

  • The keys you need to transform your mindset.

  • How to understand your dysregulating perspective and step into freedom.

Module 4

In this Module you’ll learn…

  • Step 4: Align

  • The exact technique to amplify self-trust in the face of any struggle.

  • The keys you need to eliminate insecurity and navigate inner conflict with confidence.

  • How to get your mind, body, and emotions on the same page.

  • How to stay on purpose and feel good about yourself.

Module 5

In this Module you’ll learn…

  • Step 5: Kindness

  • The exact technique to reduce and eliminate dysregulation in relationships.

  • How to derive the value from your most triggering and anxious interactions.

  • The keys you need to create empowered outcomes that positively impact yourself and others.

  • How to set empowered boundaries and advocate with family, friends, and beyond.


How different will your life be when you learn to

Breathe Recognize Elevate Align Kindness™

and break the cycle of dysregulation?

I no longer doubt myself when I am being true to what I want. I no longer feel guilty if I am mad, or if I am crying. I used to go into what my husband called a “Sara Spiral” of feelings. Where I feel upset that I’m upset about something that I have a right to be upset about, etc. I can just express those things and let them pass.

My husband thanked me for being a kinder person recently, which I think is a direct result of my work with Peggy.
— Sara Y., 36, Massachusetts USA
I was able to successfully reclaim my true self and recognize the distinction between who I “think” I am versus who I “feel” I am...a huge jumping off point into a whole new state of consciousness and self-love. I feel the love for myself more than ever!

Peggy helped me help me!
— Jen, 42 USA


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