
 Your Success Story Belongs Here


Breathe Recognize Elevate Align Kindness

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I was able to successfully reclaim my true self and recognize the distinction between who I “think” I am versus who I “feel” I am. Peggy’s Breathe Recognize Elevate Align Kindness™ Program was a HUGE jumping off point into a whole new state of consciousness and self-love.
I feel the love for myself more than ever!
Peggy helped me help me!
— Jen, 42 USA



44, England

For many years I struggled with self judgement, and subconscious conditioning.

Despite years spent in conscious communities, and working with wonderful practitioners I still found it difficult to overcome my inner blocks. I struggled to communicate effectively, especially with those nearest and dearest to me, and I carried around frustration and repeated old stories in my life, unable to consciously identify the power and energy I constantly gave away, while replaying my own destructive pattern.

I trusted my gut about Peggy’s ability to guide me, to reach into the parts of myself that were dark, stuck, and scary. I leaned into her process and it flowed beautifully. Her brilliance as a coach and a healer shine through her system and open the way for inner healing, bringing light to the unseen, unknown, and unnamed. 

I am so happy to have worked with Peggy.

She is a potent healer, and I love her sense of humor very much. I love her direct, loving, and supportive nature and I’m grateful that she, and her Breathe, Recognize, Elevate, Align, Kindnessprogram exist.

She’s swift to pick up on the subtleties of personal struggles, even in a group, and in one-to-one work, she has a lightness in her that brings reassurance and ease to the process.

Learning Peggy’s system through the Breathe Recognize Elevate Align Kindnessprogram systematically revealed the truth of my past, and the impact it has had on my current life and relationships. The program quickly brought me face to face with the root of my blocks, and provided me with the space to understand them, the compassion to accept them, and the tools to transform them.

I had high expectations going into her program and those expectations were more than met. I’m so inspired by her findings, and her program, and I really want to learn so much more!

I can’t wait to repeat the process again and again, to see how much more I can free myself.

A huge BIG FAT YES to this intelligent program. I love it!

Her 5 step program is clear, the format is simple, and the process pulls you forward.  I always felt I was in a safe space with clear objectives which allowed me to overcome my own resistance.

I know for me, once my heart opens safely to something, in great safety and great support, an unfolding of realization and integration can happen for me which I simply cannot reach or create on my own.

I highly recommend this program!

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26, Canada

Going through Peggy’s 5 step, Breathe, Recognize, Elevate, Align, Kindnessprogram and was the catalyst of my unraveling back into myself. Almost like a defrost. I had been numb for over ten years without true awareness of it. The program allowed me to see, feel and more importantly heal the deepest parts of my wounds. It showed me how to begin healing from a place of contemplation, starting with one pattern and just continuing to go deeper and deeper down the spiral.

I remember going through the program for the first time and my mind comfortably surrendering control over what I was releasing. Everything just flowed. The way Peggy holds space and creates it, allows us participants to let go in the most natural way.

This 5 step program not only taught me how to start and what I can do to break my cycles, but allowed me to integrate my past into my present in a healthy way. To leave the victim state and live from a state of potential and acceptance.

The Breathe, Recognize, Elevate, Align, Kindnessmagic is ever continuing. It can be used at many stages of life; there’s always more cycles to break. I believe it will stand the test of time.

The systems, techniques and teachings Peggy has poured into this program are outstanding and beyond beneficial for all our minds, bodies and souls.

Like anything it is a process and it will take time to move through your own soul’s history. It’s been almost five months since I did that first session with her and I am still receiving revelations from the experience. Learning, growing, evolving.


36, United States

My work with Peggy has completely changed the way that I view the world in the most amazing way.

It has been a game changer.

She has a gentle and loving way of guiding you to be your true self. In our work, she first she led me down a path of self discovery.

She led me through exercises that enabled me to answer big questions for myself in a creative and loving way. She then pushed for results, setting expectations, and gently probing and pushing so that it never felt like ripping a band-aid off to make decisions that are authentic to me, and this led me to make changes that reflect and embody those decisions.

As a result, I feel more confident in my choices. I also now feel able to break a problem down into small pieces, making minor adjustments every week to create the life that I want.

Peggy does a wonderful job of calling out the tough spots that I may be avoiding, but in a way that feels so warm and comforting. I have worked with her in times of crises and times of expansion and creativity, and she is equally talented at leading through both situations, or any sort of change. She also take a very comprehensive look at life, so it’s not about home or work or nutrition or sleep or breathing, but it’s about the sum of those things and more, and how you can take steps to optimize those areas in a practical way to create something special. Plus, she is always trying to learn new things herself, so you never feel like you're learning stale methods. 

Peggy has led me to tangible career growth opportunities and has helped me be a stronger person in my personal life.

I am so thankful that I found her!

 Here are just a few of the intangible benefits from working with Peggy:

1.    Confidence – I no longer doubt myself when I am being true to what I want. I no longer feel guilty if I am mad, or if I am crying. I used to go into what my husband called a “Sara Spiral” of feelings. Where I feel upset that I’m upset about something that I have a right to be upset about, etc. I can just express those things and let them pass.

2.    Awareness – I pay attention when I am feeling something, and I am actively practicing some emotions that were buried, ie anger.

3.    Peace – kind of goes back to the confidence. For the first time in my life, I can sit still with myself without a book, tv, friend, glass of wine, or pushing my body past its limits in a run. I can sit still and get to know myself through the strategies that I’ve learned.

Tangible benefits:

1.    Closer relationship with my boss, and steps moving forward at work towards a promotion.

2.    Turning down another job offer, which led to a true decision that I’m invested in my current career, which was noticed at work.

3.    Meditation and breathing skills that enable me to get through a stressful day with no breakdowns. I haven’t stressed out to the point of tears in months, or “needed” a glass of wine at the end of the day, all because of my tools that Peggy has taught me (ie the one minute breath, etc). Breathing in particular – I have struggled since I was a kid with breathing, and it’s still hard, but I can sit for 10 minutes now and focus on my breath. AMAZING.

4.    My husband thanked me for being a kinder person recently, which I think is a direct result of my work with Peggy.

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In my work with Peggy and her 5 step, Breathe, Recognize, Elevate, Align, Kindness™ program, I became aware of my triggers, shifted my energy, and let go of the fear of being hurt by my mom’s actions.

Now I’m able to help my mom from a place of love, a place of letting go of the outcome, and of being worthy of giving and receiving love in a way with her that hasn’t happened in as long as I can remember.
— Danielle, 38, USA



23, Germany

If you consider working with Peggy, do it!

Before working with Peggy I struggled to be comfortable around people, and I could never really be myself. I tried so hard to solve it. I tried things like rebirthing, breathwork, meditation practice, and journaling but it got to the point where I seriously began to doubt my ability to break my own destructive cycles.

Then I discovered Peggy’s program.

Once I saw how much work she put into it, how she’s been through the WHOLE transformation process herself, I didn't have any doubts about working with her. I really admire her for who she is and where she’s been. Her Breathe Recognize Elevate Align Kindness program exceeded my expectations and I loved working with her. It was deep work, but she has a unique way of somehow making it fun.

In all the things I tried before I never came to the point where I could actually do the last step of healing.

With Peggy I was able to heal.

I  was able to apply what I learned so quickly, and felt real change in my life within days. I feel genuinely confident being around people, and find it easier and easier to be myself and that’s huge because it’s allowing me to step into the role I actually want to play in life.

I loved how quickly I was able to see how I perceive the world when I’m stressed or triggered, and how easy it was to apply the tools she teaches.

I had deep realizations about relationships in my life. About people I had allowed to shape and impact me, and I learned how to face uncomfortable truths, how to self reflect, and breathe through it all. I learned how to shift my perspective, and change my inner narrative to serve me.

If you have the desire to break your cycles I would definitely recommend Peggy and her program!

She just knows.

She knows how to look at a problem and not only solve it but transform it. If you have cycles of anxiety, struggle, panic attacks or anything you don't want to have in your life anymore, her system was made for you. You don't need to be 'spiritual' in any way, you just need the openness to work on yourself.

I think the biggest misconception, or stigma about “life coaching” is that people assume there must be something wrong with you, or you must be in some sort of troubled state to need someone to “coach” you, but this could not be further from the truth.

Working with Peggy, you achieve your highest form of self, no matter where you are in your life. Utilizing her wisdom, kindness and multi-dimensional healing aspects, Peggy tailors her sessions to your needs, desires and goals.
I am so grateful for her love, light and guidance.
— Heather, 39, USA


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